ArmA 2 sopravvive alla chiusura di GameSpy

Come abbiamo già avuto modo di segnalare, il servizio di server per il multiplayer GameSpy chiuderà i battenti il 30 Maggio. Uno dei vari giochi hostati dal servizio è ArmA 2 di Bohemia Interactive: ci giunge oggi notizia che il multiplayer dell'FPS sopravviverà a questo evento.
Il team di sviluppo ha infatti organizzato una transizione verso MP Hub a cui si appoggia anche al versioen Steam del gioco. Vi riportiamo in calce le istruzioni per la transizioen rialsciate dagli stessi Bohemia.
Se poi non conoscete ArmA 2, beh... c'è sempre la nostra Recensione.
People who have a non-Steam version of Arma 2, and/or the Arma 2 expansions and DLC, can now activate their product key(s) on Steam. Please note that all future updates for the game will be delivered through Steam only.
Please follow these instructions to activate a new retail purchase on Steam:
- Launch the Steam client software and log into your Steam account.
- Click the Games Menu.
- Choose Activate a Product on Steam...
- Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process.
Ensure that you are activating your game through the Steam application. The Steam website cannot be used to activate a game. If you have not yet done so, you can download and install the Steam application by clicking on the green "Install Steam Now" on
The CD Key is a serial number with a combination of 13, 15, 18, or 25 letters and numbers - it can be found on a manual, a sticker inside your game's case or printed on the game's quick reference card. The CD Key acts as your proof of purchase for the game - Steam Support may ask for it if you need to establish your ownership of an account. It is recommended that you keep your CD Key in a safe place to ensure the security of your account.
Other than that the developer is working on Arma 2 OA patch and we have also started to look into creating a web based hub for older games (CWA, A1, Take On Helicopters), where people would put their server IPs and it would allow clients to directly connect to a server by just clicking on the button in their web browser.