Nuova patch per la versione PC di Battlefield 4

Nuova patch per la versione PC di Battlefield 4

In data odierna é stato rilasciato un duplice aggiornamento per Battlefield 4, lo sparatutto di Electronic Arts. In particolare sono stati risolti diversi bug sia sul server, giunto alle versione R15, che sul client del gioco per ora solo nella versione PC.

Vi riproponiamo la lista dei fix ripresa dal forum uffiale di DICE, ai quali si aggiungono alcuni aggiustamenti alla telecamera, ora posizionata leggermente più in alto per meglio riflettere la posizone reale del proprio personaggio nel gioco:

-Fixed one of the most frequently occurring client crashes -Fixed broken collision on containers with open doors. The bug previously made grenades bounce back even though the doors were open. -Fixed a bug in Defuse mode where defenders could win the round by killing all the attackers without disarming the bomb, if the bomb was disarmed in the previous round. -Miscellaneous stability fixes further reducing the number of client crashes -Fixed side gunner jitter when aiming in attack boats & transport helicopters -Fixed some instances of frame rate drops when shooting at large Levolution objects after they have been destroyed (like the radar dish on Rogue Transmission) -Fixed broken aiming for passengers on the China Rising dirt bike -Fixed a bug where the sound when capturing a flag was not playing correctly -Removed a bug that would double save during MP round transition and SP level transition. This fix will reduce the occurrence of corrupted save files.

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