Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea Episode Two ha una data

2K Games e Irrational hanno reso noto quest'oggi che il secondo episodio de "Il Funerale in Mare", la campagna single-player aggiuntiva di Bioshock: Infinite, sarà disponibile su PC, PS3 e Xbox 360 a partire dal 25 Marzo.
Il DLC permetterà ai giocatori di interpretare per la prima volta il ruolo di Elizabeth, in un'avventura ambientata nella Rapture del primo Bioshock in cui compariranno tutti i personaggi principali del capitolo in questione e del mondo di Columbia. Con il cambio di protagonista, cambieranno anche alcune meccaniche di Gameplay, ora maggiormente orientato verso lo Stealth, nonché le armi e i poteri a disposizione del giocatore.
In calce riportiamo il comunicato stampa ufficiale:
Windsor, UK – February 5, 2014– 2K and Irrational Games announced today that BioShock® Infinite: Burial at Sea – Episode Two*, the third add-on content pack for the award-winning BioShock Infinite, will be available for download worldwide on the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft, and Windows PC starting March 25.
BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea – Episode Twois built almost entirely from scratch by Irrational Games, the studio behind the original BioShockand BioShock Infinite. The narrative of this add-on content pack concludes the storyline of BioShock Infiniteand Burial at Sea, as seen through the eyes of a new player character, Elizabeth, and features all-new stealth-oriented gameplay, as well as new weapons and modes.
“In Burial at Sea – Episode Two, we are delivering a story that involves nearly every major character from the original BioShockand BioShock Infinite,” said Ken Levine, creative director of Irrational Games. “It is a story that will give gamers a new perspective on the BioShockuniverse and conclude the story of BioShock Infiniteand Burial at Sea.”
*BioShock Infinite is not included in this add-on content, but is required to play all of the included content