Annunciato Blood Bowl 2 per PC, PS4 e Xbox One

Annunciato Blood Bowl 2 per PC PS4 e Xbox One

Focus Interactive e Cyanide Studios, in collaborazione con Games Workshop, hanno annunciato che nella Primavera del 2015 arriverà su PC, PS4 e xbox One Blood Bowl 2, nuova incranzione del titolo sportivo a tema Fantasy che ha esordito nel 2009.

Il gioco sarà distribuito in Italia da Halifax: ecco i ltrailer d'annuncio e il comunicato stampa ufficiale:

Blood Bowl 2, the sequel to the video game adaptation of Games Workshop’s famous board game that combines American football with the fantasy world of Warhammer, unveils its Kick-off Trailer. It symbolizes the beginning of the last sprint in the development of Blood Bowl 2, which will be released in Spring 2015 on PC, and also we're pleased to announce on PlayStation4 and Xbox One. Up until release, we will unveil more about Cyanide Studio’s new game, with gameplay videos, screenshots, and presentations of the game to media in Europe and the United States.

Humans, Orcs, Dwarfs, Elves, Skaven, Beastmen and cheerleaders give all they’ve got! Watch the various iconic teams from the Blood Bowl world throwing both punches and the ball in an effort to score touchdowns – or simply to cripple and maim the opposing teams. The epitome of Blood Bowl: American Football, mixed with the fantasy world of Warhammer, resulting in a very deep and tactical turn-based game where crushing your opponent under your boots is just as important as getting hold of the ball to score a touchdown.

Blood Bowl 2 is even more ambitious than its predecessor in all aspects of the game, with numerous extra features and the highest production values. Its brand new graphics engine has been specially developed for this sequel showcasing improved visuals, sound, and animation. This video brings to the spotlight the authentic Blood Bowl experience: the animations, the dynamic cameras enhancing the brutal atmosphere of the matches, the "Cabalvision" identity and the hilarious commenting duo, Jim Johnson and Bob Bifford.

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