Treyarch sui problemi di Black Ops PS3

di Tommaso Alisonno

In seguito al rilascio della Patch per Call of Duty: Black Ops avvenuta lo scorso Martedì, moltissimi utenti PS3 hanno segnalato gravi problemi di connettività, tali da rendere praticamente impossibile il gioco online.

Treyarch, sviluppatori del titolo, hanno pubblicato un annuncio in cui si dichiarano consci del problema e attivamente al lavoro per risolverlo: un "hot fix" é già stato rilasciato e a breve seguirà una patch definitiva.

Gli sviluppatori precisano anche di non dare credito alle voci secondo cui sarebbe possibile risolvere il problema cancellando i salvataggi del gioco: le due cose non hanno alcuna attinenza tra loro, e si tratterebbe di una leggenda metropolitana scaturita da una singolare coincidenza. Semplicemente, qualche utente "disperato" ha provato in extremis a cancellare il proprio save nel momento in cui veniva rilasciato l'hotfix...

Ecco il comunicato completo:

Hey PS3 community -

We are aware that many online players have been experiencing connectivity issues since Tuesday's patch. We have been working hard to track down the cause and fix them as quickly as we can. We've already updated the game with one "hot fix" since Tuesday's release that has improved many of those connectivity problems, and we've got more coming, so stay tuned.

Forum feedback has been tremendously helpful. In fact, we've been on the forums, monitoring feedback and in a number of cases, working with community members directly, so please keep the feedback coming. In the meantime, know that we're committed to doing everything we can to support the best online experience, and we're working quickly to resolve this issue.

NOTE: There have been rumors suggesting that deleting your save data will improve network connectivity. Please do not delete your save data, as it will not have an effect on network connectivity. A hot fix was released at 9:30p PST last night, coinciding with the first instance of this rumor, and this hot fix is the reason many users have experienced improved connectivity.

Thank you for your continued support and feedback. As always, we will keep you updated.