Ed ecco la patch di Black Ops per PS3
Come dichiarato la settimana scorsa, ecco arrivare la nuova Patch per la versione PS3 di Call of Duty: Black Ops. Il cerotto aggiorna il gioco alla versione 1.5 e garantisce la seguente lista di bugfix:
Full patch 1.05
- Improved party reliability when leaving with party - an additional step in an ongoing series of party improvements continued in the next patch
- Improved UPnP functionality - further expands the game's capability to open NATs on routers with universal plug and play enabled
- Enabled mute functionality in Playercards in the pre-game lobby
- Enabled kick functionality in party and private match lobbies
- Addressed an issue where the pre-game lobby would not always display properly when multiple players leave the lobby after a team split
- Addressed an issue where the pre-game lobby would appear stuck on the countdown timer while waiting to balance teams
E' però interssante notare come il primo punto della patch faccia riferimento a futuri aggiornamenti...