CoD Ghosts verso l'aggiornamento secondo i Feedback

Il migliore amico di Infinity Ward é la community, o per lo meno questo traspare dalle parole della senior community manager Tina Palacios nel post in cui annuncia l'imminente realease di una patch per Call of Duty: Ghosts.
Il cerotto andrà infatti a modificare alcuni elementi del gameplay in multiplayer adeguandosi ai feedback ed ai consigli che i membri stessi della community hanno segnalato o proposto. L'aggiornamento non ha ancora una data: ecco l'elenco delle novità previste.
- Restrict Ghillie suits in competitive rules.
- Restrict Tracker Sights in competitive rules.
- Restrict Danger Close in competitive rules.
- Disable third-person spectating in competitive Private Matches.
- Add a kill feed to Broadcaster mode.
- Address Broadcaster mode stability (squash crash bugs).
Removal of split-screen in Private match when eSports rules are enabled.
- Add eSports rules to Clan vs. Clan playlist.
- Open Clan v Clan playlist to allow solo player entry & mixed clan teams.
- Modify Dead Silence/Amplify functionality
- Resolve the defuse timer animation discrepancy.
- Modify the defuse time sound effects if the defuse process is cancelled.
Broadcaster Mode:
- Add game action overlays where needed (flag captures, etc.).
- Resolve the leaderboard’s red death indicator delay.
- Roll over player in scoreboard to highlight arrow in mini-map.
New Platform:
- Investigating the addition of Xbox One LAN support.