Qualche dettaglio sull'aggiornamento di Dead Rising 3

di Tommaso Alisonno

A proposito del corposo aggiornamento di Dead Rising di cui vi abbiamo già parlato, e che apre le porte al nuovo DLC "Operation Broken Eagle", Capcom ha aggiunto alcuni dettagli a proposito dei motivi che hanno protato il pacchetto alla considerevole dimensione di 13 GB. Il "cerotto", infatti, corregge svariate feature del gioco e ne introduce di nuove. Ecco l'elenco completo delle novità, estratto dal comunicato stampa ufficiale di Microsoft:

  1. Content for DLC episodes 3 and 4 added as part of this CU.
  2. Various Stability Fixes.
  3. Various Performance Improvements.
  4. Online Stability improvements.
  5. Added a progress bar to main menu while installer is running.
  6. Fixed an issue which could allow the user to overwrite their save file during streaming install while the game is booted.
  7. Fix for missing English VUI command in Multiplayer menu.
  8. Some improvements to item pickups.
  9. Fixed a reproducible issue where the player could get out of the world.
  10. Fixed an issue where music wasn’t present during the streaming install.
  11. Fixed some mission scripting issues.
  12. Fixed an issue which could cause some co-op players to not progress blueprint collection achievements correctly.
  13. Fixed an issue where the UI was not updating properly.
  14. Fixed an issue which caused glass textures to appear low-res.
  15. Fixed an issue which could cause shadows to render incorrectly.
  16. Fixed a texture issue with the Golden SledgeSaw weapon.
  17. SmartGlass stability fix.