Ecco cosa troverete nell'Alpha di Doom
![Ecco cosa troverete nellAlpha di Doom](
Non stiamo parlando della Beta ufficiale di Doom, bensì di un'Alpha programmata allo scopo di testare il comportamento dei server una volta aperti ad un pubblico piuttosto vasto.
Per farne parte non dovrete fa altro che completare il form disponibile sul sito dedicato al titolo, indicando la console per il quale volete dare il vostro contributo e sperando di ottenere la fatidica mail da Bethesda.
Nonostante non si ha ancora alcuna idea in merito ad una papabile data di rilascio, possiamo sapere cosa ci attenderà in quest'Alpha, qui sotto trovate il log completo:
One Map: Heatwave – This industrial-themed map will place players in an arena setting featuring plenty of armor, ammo, and health pickups. Narrow corridors, walkways and small chambers all link to a central, open area of the map, providing players with a variety of environments that suit varying playstyles, as well as the focus point for fighting over key power-ups.
One Mode: 6v6 Team Deathmatch – In this mode, two teams of 6 players will try to dominate each other by fighting over the Revenant and Gauss Rifle power-ups, which provide devastating firepower that can turn the tide or ensure victory.
One Demon: Revenant – Being the first player to the Demon Rune will transform you into the powerful Revenant. Use your jetpack and dual rocket launchers to hunt down the other team for a limited time to either secure your team’s lead or mount a comeback.
One Power Weapon: Gauss Cannon – Available as a counter to the Revenant, this high-powered weapon destroys opponents in one blast. Use the alternate fire to see your targets through walls, but be warned, there is a limited number of shots, so use it to take down the demon rather than enemy players. Once you’re out of ammo, you have to wait for it to appear on the map again.
Six Weapons (can be used both in standard and customizable loadouts):
- Vortex Rifle
- Super Shotgun
- Repeater
- Rocket Launcher
- Static Cannon
- Plasma Rifle
Two Equipment Items
- Personal Teleporter
- Frag Grenade