Privilegi per chi passa da XI a XIV

di Tommaso Alisonno

Tramite un comunicato stampa (che trovate in calce) Square Enix ha reso noto quest'oggi che gli utenti di Final Fantasy XI Online che sottoscriveranno un abbonamento a Final Fantasy XIV Online con lo stesso account riceveranno dei bonus speciali.

Innanzitutto, l'abbonamento all'11° capitolo scenderà dagli attuali 12.95$ mensili a 7.00$. In secondo luogo, sarà possibile "bloccare" e importare il nome del proprio personaggio dal vecchio al nuovo titolo. Infine, il personaggio appena creato a FFXIV riceverà un'oggetto speciale: le "Scarpe di Hermes", leggere e veloci.

Queste offerte sono per ora relative alla versione PC del gioco: per la versione PS3 seguiranno delucidazioni.

Per tutti i dettagli e le clausole, fate riferimento al comunicato stampa:

London (20 August 2010) – Square Enix Ltd., the publisher of SQUARE ENIX® interactive entertainment products in Europe and other PAL territories, today announces exciting news for current players of FINAL FANTASY XI. In appreciation of the years of adventuring that fans of the series have enjoyed, Square Enix is pleased to offer several bonuses for those that wish to experience both online adventures.

Bonus 1: Save up to €5.95 on the base FINAL FANTASY XI Monthly Subscription Fee


  • The FINAL FANTASY XI monthly subscription fee will be discounted from €12.95 to €7.00 and £8.99 to £5.00 per month on FINAL FANTASY XI accounts linked to the same Square Enix Account as FINAL FANTASY XIV.

o Only applies to FINAL FANTASY XI subscriptions that are paid for by credit card o Does not apply to FINAL FANTASY XIV accounts during the free trial period on the 26th of the month.

o Does not apply to FINAL FANTASY XI accounts during the free trial period

o Only applies to one FINAL FANTASY XI account for each FINAL FANTASY XIV account

o Only applies to the base monthly subscription fee

o This offer will remain in effect until January 2011

o Additional fees will be incurred for additional FINAL FANTASY XI Content IDs.

  • If you have multiple PlayOnline IDs, you can receive discounts according to the number of FINAL FANTASY XIV service accounts you have.

o If you have multiple PlayOnline IDs linked to a Square Enix account with a single FINAL FANTASY XIV service account, you will be able to receive a discount for one of your PlayOnline IDs.

o If you have multiple PlayOnline IDs linked to a Square Enix account with multiple FINAL FANTASY XIV service accounts, the number of PlayOnline IDs that you can receive discounts for will be the same as the number of FINAL FANTASY XIV service accounts on your Square Enix account.

  • For example, if a Square Enix Account holder has two FINAL FANTASY XIV accounts and three FINAL FANTASY XI accounts, then the discount would only apply to two of the three FINAL FANTASY XI accounts.

Bonus 2: A Special FINAL FANTASY XIV In-Game Item

FINAL FANTASY XIV players with an active FINAL FANTASY XI account will begin their adventure with a special in-game item: Hermes’ Shoes. “Named after an elder god, all but forgotten in the modern age, these gold-tipped shoes have been crafted with the lightest of leather, making them optimal for use by heralds and noterunners.”


  • For qualifying players, all playable characters created on the FINAL FANTASY XIV account will start the game with the bonus item automatically in their inventory.
  • In order to qualify for the bonus item:

o An active FINAL FANTASY XI account must be linked before the FINAL FANTASY XIV playable character is created

o At the time the FINAL FANTASY XIV character is created, the FINAL FANTASY XI content ID registered to the linked FINAL FANTASY XI account must not be invalid or cancelled

o Does not apply to FINAL FANTASY XI accounts during the free trial period

Bonus 3: Transfer Your FINAL FANTASY XI Character Name into FINAL FANTASY XIV


  • When creating a new playable character on a FINAL FANTASY XIV account, a character name used from the linked FINAL FANTASY XI account can be transferred to FINAL FANTASY XIV.

o Transfer of a FINAL FANTASY XI playable character name will not be applicable in the following instances:

o If the FINAL FANTASY XIV playable character is created before an active FINAL FANTASY XI account is linked

o If, at the time that the FINAL FANTASY XIV character is created, the Content ID on the linked FINAL FANTASY XI is invalid or has been cancelled

o Does not apply to FINAL FANTASY XI accounts during the free trial period

o If no FINAL FANTASY XI character exists on the linked FINAL FANTASY XI account

  • Please note that in some instances, it may take upwards of 24 hours for the FINAL FANTASY XI character name to be available in FINAL FANTASY XIV.
  • When prompted, upon selecting the FINAL FANTASY XI character name as the FINAL FANTASY XIV playable character name, the transferred name will be the FINAL FANTASY XI player character name + FINAL FANTASY XI world name the character resides in.
  • Example:

o FINAL FANTASY XI Player Character Name: Destiny

o FINAL FANTASY XI World Name: Odin

o The resulting FINAL FANTASY XIV character name [after transfer]: Destiny Odin

The bonuses announced in this release only apply to the Windows version. Bonuses for the PlayStation 3 version will be announced at a later time.

Please note that bonuses are not valid if the FINAL FANTASY XIV account is cancelled during the free 30-day trial period.

For more information on how to use a Square Enix Account and how to link a FINAL FANTASY XI account, please visit:

For more information about FINAL FANTASY XIV, please visit the official website at: