FINAL FANTASY XIV, in arrivo la patch 3.2

di Valerio De Vittorio

Durante l'ultimo Letter from the Producer LIVE, che si è tenuto nel week end, il Producer e Director di FINAL FANTASY XIV, Naoki Yoshida, ha rivelato che il prossimo aggiornamento di contenuti per l'MMORPG, la Patch 3.2, arriverà il 23 Febbraio. Chiamata ‘The Gears of Change’, la patch 3.2 porterà un aggiornamento su una selezione di contenuti creati per aiutare i nuovi giocatori, incluso il nuovo sistema Mentor , che permetterà agli avventurieri più esperti di supportare i nuovi arrivati durante il loro viaggio.

Eccovi il comunicato originale con tutte le informazioni:

LONDON (1st February 2016) – During the most recent Letter from the Producer LIVE, which took place this weekend – FINAL FANTASY XIV Producer and Director, Naoki Yoshida, revealed that the next content update for the MMORPG, Patch 3.2, will arrive on 23rd February. Titled ‘The Gears of Change’, the patch 3.2 update will bring a selection of content designed to help new players, including the new Mentor system, which will allow high-level players to support beginners along their journey.

Yoshida also discussed further content updates for existing players in more detail, including two new dungeons, The Antitower and The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard), changes to the Materia system as well as a new raid, Alexander: Midas (Savage to be implemented at the same time) which will be available upon completion of Alexander: Gordias in normal mode. Further information regarding The Feast, a new PvP offering, was also revealed including rules, participation requirements, rewards and the season schedule.

Patch 3.2 – The Gears of Change launches on 23rd February 2016. For further details on everything discussed during the PLL, visit: . A full summary will also be released on the Lodestone at a later date (