L'editor di GTA V arriverà anche su console

Rockstar, attraverso un aggiornamento del blog Newswire, ci fa sapere che lo spettacolare editor introdotto con la versione PC di GTA V arriverà anche su Playstation 4 ed Xbox One.
Il Rockstar Editor sarà parte di un importante aggiornamento, che comprenderà ulteriori contenuti alcuni nuovi anche per PC. Eccoli in breve:
Ambient Audio and Sound Effects Library: Add ambient and atmospheric sound design with a library of audio tracks to help bring your scenes to life or add sound effects from a collection of Foley and other sfx.
Snapmatic Integration: Now you can export any still frame at a marker point straight to Snapmatic, giving you ultimate freedom when searching for that perfect camera angle.
Director Mode Updates: An enlarged minimap with location blips to highlight preset locations, the power to freeze chosen time of day settings and the ability to spawn air and water vehicles.
Copy and Paste Marker Properties: Easily copy and paste your audio settings from any marker to another marker in the clip – adding invaluable efficiency to your go-to editing techniques.
New Fonts: You'll now have more style options than ever for your titles and credits -- we're tripling the library of available fonts with new styles.