Disponibile il terzo DLC di Just Cause 3

Disponibile il terzo DLC di Just Cause 3

Square Enix e Avalanche Software hanno annunciato il lancio del terzo DLC di Just Cause 3, ultimo del season pass "Air, Land and Sea", intitolato Bavrium Sea Heist. Il pacchetto, otlre a una nuova missione ambientata nel mare che circondal 'isola di Medici, offrirà ai giocatori la possibilità di pilotare un motoscafo ipertecnologico denominato "Loochador"  e di impossessarsi del letale Lightning-Gun "Eden Spark".

Ecco il video, le immagini e il comunicato stampa ufficiale:

London (August 18th 2016) – Following last week’s early access release for AIR, LAND & SEA Expansion Pass holders, the third and final content pack JUST CAUSE 3®: BAVARIUM SEA HEIST™ is now on general sale as a separate add-on for all players.

“Our aim with the Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass was to completely alter the way players tackle the game and we’ve achieved just that,” said Marcus Andrews, Lead Designer of the Air, Land & Sea content at Avalanche Studios. “Each of the three packs of new tools allows the player to wreak havoc in fresh, creative, and unique ways that ensures both new and existing fans of Just Cause 3 will have hours of additional content and an enormous number of ways to approach any situation”.

Brave the dangerous waters of West Medici in your new rocket boat and infiltrate the Stingray, a mysterious research facility, home of the rarest and strongest weapon ever created by the Eden Corporation. This content pack includes a brand new location to explore, missions, a new challenge type, the heavily armed rocket boat and the devastating “Eden Spark” lightning gun.

  • Liberate the Medici coastal waters of Scolio, home to Eden Research stations and the mysterious “Stingray” base.
  • Drive the deadly rocket boat “Loochador”, using its multi-lock missile launchers and miniguns to defeat the formidable Black Hand Fleet.
  • Infiltrate the Stingray base to steal the deadly “Eden Spark” lightning gun and unleash elemental death on your enemies in all new storyline and missions.
  • Power up the Eden Spark further with mods earned in the “Boat Invader” challenge.

The BAVARIUM SEA HEIST content pack is priced at $5.99 / €5.99 / £4.99 whilst the entire AIR, LAND & SEA Expansion Pass is available for $24.99 / €24.99 / £19.99.

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