Microsoft apre un nuovo studio interno : Sports Entertainment Group

di Simone Azzarello

Il numero degli studi first party di Microsoft é cresciuto notevolmente nell'ultimo periodo, questo grazie all'apertura di nuovi studi e all'aquisizione di Twisted Pixel, talentuoso team indipendente che ha sviluppato, tra gli altri, i due Splosion Man e The Gunstringer.

E' notizia di pochi minuti fa l'apertura di un nuovo studio, registrato come Microsoft Studios : Sports Entertainment Group.

Lo studio, come si intuisce dal nome, punterà alla realizzazione di titoli sportivi; un genere di cui Microsoft non si é mai interessata in prima persona, salvo rari casi.

La famiglia degli studios Microsoft, grazie ad un numero importante di studios interni, riduce il gap numerico a sfavore di Sony e Nintendo, gli altri due grandi publisher e produttori di console.


Good Science Studio (fondé en 2009)
Microsoft Studios Family (fondé en 2011)
Turn 10 Studios (fondé en 2001)
Twisted Pixel Games (racheté en 2011)
Xbox Live Productions (fondé 2008.)
343 Industries (fondé en 2007)
Kids and Lifestyle Entertainment (fondé en 2012)
Platform Next Studios (fondé en 2012)
Microsoft Studios LEAP (fondé en 2012)
Microsoft Studios Mobile Gaming (fondé en 2010)
Microsoft Studios : Sports Entertainment Group (fondé en 2012)
Good Science Studio
Microsoft Studios Family
Turn 10 Studios
Twisted Pixel Games
Xbox Live Productions
343 Industries
Kids and Lifestyle Entertainment
Platform Next Studios
Microsoft Studios LEAP
Microsoft Studios Mobile Gaming
Microsoft Studios : Sports Entertainment Group
Microsoft Studios
Lionhead Studios (racheté en 2006)
Soho Productions (fondé en 2011)
Rare Ltd. (racheté en 2002)
Microsoft Studios
BigPark (racheté en 2007)
Microsoft Studios Vancouver (fondé en 2011)
Microsoft Studios Victoria (fondé en 2012)


Lionhead Studios
Soho Productions
Rare Ltd.
Microsoft Studios Vancouver
Microsoft Studios Victoria
Microsoft Flight Development Team

Good Science Studio (fondé en 2009)
Microsoft Studios Family (fondé en 2011)
Turn 10 Studios (fondé en 2001)
Twisted Pixel Games (racheté en 2011)
Xbox Live Productions (fondé 2008.)
343 Industries (fondé en 2007)
Kids and Lifestyle Entertainment (fondé en 2012)
Platform Next Studios (fondé en 2012)
Microsoft Studios LEAP (fondé en 2012)
Microsoft Studios Mobile Gaming (fondé en 2010)
Microsoft Studios : Sports Entertainment Group (fondé en 2012)
Science Studio (fondé en 2009)
Microsoft Studios Family (fondé en 2011)
Turn 10 Studios (fondé en 2001)
Twisted Pixel Games (racheté en 2011)
Xbox Live Productions (fondé 2008.)
343 Industries (fondé en 2007)
Kids and Lifestyle Entertainment (fondé en 2012)
Platform Next Studios (fondé en 2012)
Microsoft Studios LEAP (fondé en 2012)
Microsoft Studios Mobile Gaming (fondé en 2010)
Microsoft Studios : Sports Entertainment Group (fondé en 2012)
Good Science Studio (fondé en 2009)
Microsoft Studios Family (fondé en 2011)
Turn 10 Studios (fondé en 2001)
Twisted Pixel Games (racheté en 2011)
Xbox Live Productions (fondé 2008.)
343 Industries (fondé en 2007)
Kids and Lifestyle Entertainment (fondé en 2012)
Platform Next Studios (fondé en 2012)
Microsoft Studios LEAP (fondé en 2012)
Microsoft Studios Mobile Gaming (fondé en 2010)
Microsoft Studios : Sports Entertainment Group (fondé en 2012)
Good Science Studio (fondé en 2009)
Microsoft Studios Family (fondé en 2011)
Turn 10 Studios (fondé en 2001)
Twisted Pixel Games (racheté en 2011)
Xbox Live Productions (fondé 2008.)
343 Industries (fondé en 2007)
Kids and Lifestyle Entertainment (fondé en 2012)
Platform Next Studios (fondé en 2012)
Microsoft Studios LEAP (fondé en 2012)
Microsoft Studios Mobile Gaming (fondé en 2010)
Microsoft Studios : Sports Entertainment Group (fondé en 2012)

Good Science Studio (fondé en 2009)
Microsoft Studios Family (fondé en 2011)
Turn 10 Studios (fondé en 2001)
Twisted Pixel Games (racheté en 2011)
Xbox Live Productions (fondé 2008.)
343 Industries (fondé en 2007)
Kids and Lifestyle Entertainment (fondé en 2012)
Platform Next Studios (fondé en 2012)
Microsoft Studios LEAP (fondé en 2012)
Microsoft Studios Mobile Gaming (fondé en 2010)
Microsoft Studios : Sports Entertainment Group (fondé en 2