Murdered: Soul Suspect svela la lista Trofei

Giovanni De Bernardis
Murdered: Soul Suspect, l'ultima fatica Square-Enix che vedrà l'uscita il prossimo 6 Giugno per PlayStation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One e Pc ha da poco reso nota la lista trofei e Achievements.
Il gioco ne avrà ben 48, di cui 10 segreti (probabilmente sarà riferito al numero di capitoli)
Per evitare qualsiasi tipo di spoiler, consigliamo di non continuare la lettura, dato che dalle descrizioni di quest'ultimi sarà possibile scoprire i nomi di alcuni personaggi.
- Collector All: Collected all of the artifacts
- Ronan's Story: Learned about Ronan's Life
- Baxter's Story: Learned about Baxter's Life
- Rex's Story: Learned about Rex's Life
- Cassandra's Story: Learned about Cassandra's Life
- Julia's Story: Learned about Julia's Life
- The Bell Killer's Story: Learned about the Bell Killer
- Salem's History: Discovered Salem's history
- The Witch Trials: Discovered information about the witch trials
- Codex: Discovered the meaning of the supernatural graffiti
- A Watery Grave: Uncovered the Watery Grave ghost story
- The Bell Tower Banshee: Uncovered The Bell Tower Banshee ghost story
- The Stalwart Specter: Uncovered The Stalwart Specter ghost story
- The Heirloom: Uncovered The Heirloom ghost story
- Man in the Box: Uncovered the Man in the Box ghost story
- Terror on the Tracks: Uncovered The Terror on the Tracks ghost story
- Ashes to Ashes: Uncovered the Ashes to Ashes ghost story
- Eternal Flame: Uncovered the Eternal Flame ghost story
- Discover Remove: Used Remove for the first time
- Discover Reveal: Used Reveal for the first time
- Possess the Cat: Possessed the cat
- Mindreader: Used Mind Read for the first time
- Poltergeist: Used Poltergeist for the first time
- Interrogator: Interrogated a ghost for the first time
- Exorcist: Defeated a demon
- Investigator: Completed the first investigation
- Teleporter: Teleported for the first time
- The Missing Body: Helped Ingrid find peace
- Amnesia: Helped Julie find peace
- Carnage: Helped Brad find peace
- Scorned: Helped Katy find peace
- Collector 1: Collected an artifact
- Collector 10: Collected 10 artifacts
- Collector 25: Collected 25 artifacts
- Collector 50: Collected 50 artifacts
- Collector 75: Collected 75 artifacts
- Collector 100: Collected 100 artifacts
- Collector 150: Collected 150 artifacts