Lista degli Achievements per NERO

Storm in a Teacup, team capitanato da Alberto Belli al lavoro su NERO per Xbox One, ha reso noti sul proprio sito ufficiale gli Achievemnts del gioco. Quest'ultimo non ha ancora una data di release, ma Belli ci assicura che questa arriverà molto presto.
- Acceptance - Complete the last puzzle leading to the end - 30 p
- Anger - Complete the crystal caves - 40 p
- Bargain - Complete the forest - 50 p
- “Bringing everything together” - Find six mementos in the desert - 20 p
- “Cherish the past” - Find six mementos in the hospital - 20 p
- Secret Achievement - Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement - 100 p
- Denial - Complete the Three Wise Monkeys puzzle - 10 p
- Depression - Complete the hospital - 50 p
- “Do you remember these?” - Find six mementos in the crystal caves - 20 p
- Secret Achievement - Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement - 30 p
- “I had forgotten so much” - Find six mementos in the forest - 20 p
- “It’s all coming back to me now” - Find all of the mementos in the forest - 60 p
- Journey Begins - Solve the first puzzle and enter the caves - 10 p
- “My First Memento” - Find a memento - 20 p
- Opening the gates - Complete the Staircase Entrance Puzzle - 30 p
- Our Journey ends - Complete the NERO experience - 80 p
- “Perfect memory” - Find all the mementos in the game - 100 p
- Secret Achievement - Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement - 80 p
- Sphere of Light - Complete the first Sphere of Light puzzle - 10 p
- “These are precious to me” - Find all of the mementos in the crystal caves - 60 p
- Timber! - Complete the Falling Tree puzzle - 30 p
- Together again - Awarded after the reunion - 10 p
- “Treasure hunter” - Find all of the mementos in the desert - 60 p
- “Vivid recollection” - Find all of the mementos in the hospital - 60 p