Payday 2 si espanderà grazie a Lion Game Lion

Starbreeze ha reso noto di aver siglato un accordo di collaborazione con lo studio Croato Lion Game Lion per la realizzazione, insieme al team Overkill, di un nuovo DLC per Payday 2 denominato "The Bomb". Il nuovo pacchetto sarà disponibile nei primi mesi del 201 e ci farà conoscere un nuovo contatto denominato "il Macellaio".
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Starbreeze AB, an independent creator, publisher and distributor of computer and video games, announced today the collaboration between Overkill Software – a Starbreeze Studio and Croatian based Lion Game Lion
Co-developed with Lion Game Lion, Starbreeze and OVERKILL Software will further expand PAYDAY 2 with an all-new DLC titled “The Bomb” to be released early 2015. Introducing the contact “The Butcher” the heist will take the players on a bomb-stealing raid loaded with new guns and gear.
“As a publisher in the new digital economy, you have to listen real well. When an independent developer like this tells you ‘Hey, we know this is your baby and all, but we have this great idea for an expansion’, you better pay attention, said Bo Andersson Klint, CEO of Starbreeze AB. He continued “We listened and realized Lion Game Lion pitched a true PAYDAY idea for a great heist. The collaboration has gone very smoothly and I truly feel our players will enjoy this OVERKILL and Lion Game Lion mash-up.”
“Getting the opportunity to stand on our own feet and at the same time be able to continue working on the PAYDAY-franchise is just awesome”, said Nikica Petrusic, President of Lion Game Lion. “OVERKILL is the bomb, and the Lion’s are going to blow you away. Lets do this!”
Lion Game Lion, founded in 2013, is an independent studio located in Zagreb, Croatia employing industry veterans from OVERKILL Software and elsewhere.