PS4 più veloce di Xbox One? La risposta di Microsoft


Nelle ultime ore si é diffusa la voce, proveniente da uno sviluppatore anonimo, di una superiorità tecnica di PS4 rispetto a Xbox One, superiorità quantificata con un "50%" di velocità in più.

La notizia, già in passato quantificata in maniera diversa o espressa in maniera più "generica", ha spinto la società di Redmond a rispondere in maniera ufficiale al coro unanime di sviluppatori e addetti ai lavori.

“Ten years ago, you could argue that a console’s power was summed up in terms of a few of its specs, but Xbox One is designed as a powerful machine to deliver the best blockbuster games today and for the next decade.
Xbox One architecture is much more complex than what any single figure can convey. It was designed with balanced performance in mind, and we think the games we continue to show running on near-final hardware demonstrate that performance. In the end, we’ll let the consoles and their games speak for themselves.”
“Ten years ago, you could argue that a console’s power was summed up in terms of a few of its specs, but Xbox One is designed as a powerful machine to deliver the best blockbuster games today and for the next decade.
Xbox One architecture is much more complex than what any single figure can convey. It was designed with balanced performance in mind, and we think the games we continue to show running on near-final hardware demonstrate that performance. In the end, we’ll let the consoles and their games speak for themselves.”

“Ten years ago, you could argue that a console’s power was summed up in terms of a few of its specs, but Xbox One is designed as a powerful machine to deliver the best blockbuster games today and for the next decade.

Xbox One architecture is much more complex than what any single figure can convey. It was designed with balanced performance in mind, and we think the games we continue to show running on near-final hardware demonstrate that performance. In the end, we’ll let the consoles and their games speak for themselves.”

Come leggiamo nel messaggio inoltrato ai colleghi di Kotaku, Microsoft non smentisce direttamente offrendo numeri ma preferendo lasciar parlare i propri giochi.

Ryse e Forza Motorsport 5 (tra gli altri), indubbiamente due gioiellini dal punto di vista tecnico, tuttavia poco ci dicono circa le reali potenzialità di Xbox One rispetto a PlayStation 4; così come lo stesso potremmo affermare parlando a parti invertite.

Gli amanti delle specifiche tecniche, in attesa di analisi più approfondite, faranno bene a rassegnarsi; magari concentrandosi unicamente sui giochi che le due console offriranno a partire dal mese di novembre.

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