Rocket League ha una data definitiva su Xbox One

Rocket League ha una data definitiva su Xbox One

Psyonix ha diramato un comunicato stampa ufficiale in cui annuncia che il suo titolo Rocket League, già disponibile su PC e PS4, arriverà su Xbox One il 17 Febbraio. Tra una settimana quindi anche gli utenti della console Microsoft potranno acquistare il gioco-tormentone della scorsa Estate, già comprensivo delle varie aggiunte rilasciate dopo il lancio e con in più alcune nuove "chicche" esclusive per il mondo Xbox.

Riportiamo in calce il comunicato-stampa ufficiale e vi lasciamo con la nostra Recensione di Rocket League.


Independent video game developer and publisher, Psyonix, is pleased to announce that the sports-action hit, Rocket League, will be available for digital download on Xbox One today via the ID(at)Xbox self-publishing program Wednesday, February 17.

Fully optimized for Microsoft’s all-in-one system, Rocket League offers the same excellent content, upgrades, and features found in the PlayStation 4 and Steam versions, but comes jam-packed with exclusives and bonuses from new cars to antennas, wheels, and rocket trails.

One of the most critically-acclaimed games of 2015, Rocket League was one of the best-selling games of last year and boasts a community that is already more than 11 million players strong. Available digitally on PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system via PlayStation™Network and on Windows PC via Steam, Rocket League brings gamers a high-powered hybrid of arcade-style soccer and vehicular mayhem.

To learn more about Rocket League, please visit, "Like" it on Facebook, and follow it on Twitter (at)RocketLeague for all the latest developer updates and news.

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