Steve Ballmer scrive ai dipendenti: orgoglioso per oggi e incredibilmente ottimista per il domani

di Simone Azzarello

Il fermento di queste ultime settimane (l'E3, Surface e l'evento Windows Phone di oggi) e il successo che sta cavalcando il colosso di Redmond, hanno spinto Steve Ballmer, CEO di Microsoft, a scrivere una lettera ai dipendenti della multinazionale.

Orgoglio per i risultati raggiunti e grandissimo ottimismo per il futuro dell'azienda, questi i sentimenti che Ballmer vuole infondere nel suo (enorme!) staff di dipendenti.

"Sono incredibilmente orgoglioso del lavoro che questa società sta facendo e incredibilmente ottimista per quello che ci aspetta."

Vi lasciamo al testo completo della lettera:

"From: Steve Ballmer Sent: Monday, June 18, 2012 4:31 PM To: Microsoft – All Employees (QBDG) Subject: Big Day, Big Year I love this company. I love that we have brilliant engineers with brilliant ideas. I love that we aren’t afraid to make big bold bets. I love that we are persistent – after all it’s our passion and tenacity that bring our dreams to life. And right now, I love how so much of our hard work, passion and tenacity are coming together in the products we are bringing to market. Today, we made an exciting and significant Windows announcement — we revealed Microsoft Surface — a new family of computing devices from Microsoft. Surface complements the work of our OEMs and fulfills the Windows 8 vision. You can learn more and watch the event video tomorrow on the Microsoft NewsCenter. This great news comes on the heels of an incredible few months. Just think, we celebrated the one year anniversary of the Skype announcement. We shipped the Windows Release Preview. Dynamics delivered key updates, and continues to crank out double digit growth. We made search more social (and we did it the right way!) with a significant redesign of Bing. We announced that we’re making entertainment more amazing with Xbox on the phone, PC, tablet and TV with the coming releases of Halo 4, Internet Explorer on Xbox and SmartGlass. We shared our vision for a new era of cloud computing with Windows Server 2012 and important advancements to the Windows Azure services. And in the next few weeks we’ll see more great news and momentum from the Windows Phone Division and the Microsoft Office Division. Our plans are well underway to unleash an incredible pipeline of new devices and services that consumers love and businesses need. Our work is getting noticed and our customers are excited. We still have a lot of hard work to do. But today, I encourage you to pause and reflect on how far we’ve come over the past few years and how much further we’ll go in the next one. I’m incredibly proud of the work this company is doing and incredibly optimistic for what’s ahead. Steve"