Annunciato Stronghold 3
SuothPeak Interactive ha annunciato quest'oggi che il team Firefly Studios é a buon punto nella realizzazione del nuovo Stronghold 3 e che il titolo vedrà la luce su PC nel primo quarto del 2011.
Secondo Melanie Mroz di SoutPeak, il lavoro dei Firefly Studios sarà un vero "capolavoro per questo genere di giochi". Il titolo promette un sistema di costruzione portato a dei livelli di complessita e realismo mai visti prima, grafica a fisica di altissimo livello, due campagne per il SinglePlayer (combattimenti ed economia), implementazione del ciclo giorno-notte, scenari storici e modalità MultiPlayer. Inoltre, lo sviluppo di villaggi non sarà più legato ad una griglia, ma potrà esprimersi secondo le scelte del giocatore.
In calce, il comunicato stampa ufficiale completo (in lingua originale)
Stronghold 3 builds upon the phenomenal success of its predecessors with numerous game-play elements including:
- Improved building system allowing unprecedented levels of realism and intricacy in castle and village design
- Realistic physics and cutting-edge graphics bring siege warfare to life in stunning detail
- Story-driven gameplay engages players across two campaigns: combat or economic
- Dramatic nighttime sieges add a new dimension to the Stronghold franchise
- Besiege other players’ castles or defend your own in a range of action-packed online multiplayer modes
- Play through accurately re-created sieges from the pages of history. Will you succeed where others failed?
Castle building – the foundation of the franchise – has been significantly improved, providing players with unprecedented control over the placement of buildings.This allows them to create their kingdom with a precision that compliments their carefully planned tactics. What’s more, village planning is no longer confined to a grid system; players can now create castle walls that flow gracefully... until they’re blasted to pieces by the enemy.
On top of Stronghold 3’s innovations in castle construction, night sieges have been introduced, opening up a range of new possibilities and tactics. Players will have to hunt enemy soldiers cloaked in darkness and carefully choose their weapons in order to survive the dark hours.
A new state-of-the-art graphics engine lets you view your buildings in stunning detail. From villagers going about their everyday lives, to soldiers preparing for war or people suffering from the plague, players are given a highly-detailed snapshot of medieval life.
Additionally, a refined physics engine with procedural destruction adds intensity and drama to siege warfare as you watch your castle - or that of your enemy –crumble into ruin before your eyes.
For more details on the game head to or for more information on SouthPeak’s other products, visit