SweetFX si aggiorna alla 1.5.1


Dopo circa 6 mesi di calma é stato finalmente aggiornato SweetFX alla versione 1.5.1 con una corposa lista di novità e cambiamenti. Le procedure di installazione, come già spiegato nel precedente articolo, sono sempre 2 con la sola differenza che questa volta l'autore ha voluto aggiornare da sé il Configurator che era rimasto ad una obsoleta 1.3, e quindi condividerla con tutti noi. Vi lasciamo ora al link del thread ufficiale dove potete trovare i relativi link, ed il changelog che vi ripropondo qua per pura comodità.

Version 1.5.1 - 10/1/2013

  • LumaSharpen in 1.5 still had some experimental code activated when it should not have. Fixed that.
  • Changed some code and settings to workaround a bug in SweetFX Configurator. The configurator should now work fine with SweetFX 1.5.1
  • The Custom shader now have some more interesting example code that inverts the luma of the image, and it now has an example setting.

Version 1.5 - 9/30/2013

  • New compatiblity mode allows some effects to run on really old cards that does not support Shader Model 3, but only 2.
  • New Levels shader to allow people to easily set a new black and white point.
  • New Explosion shader. Scatters the pixels similar to Irfanviews Explosion filter
  • New Custom shader - a blank template already integrated into SweetFX, to make it even easier for people to write their own shaders
  • New Vibrance setting "Vibrance_RGB_balance" allows people to set Vibrance per color component
  • New border-width and border-color options for the Border shader
  • Created two new curve formulas (9 and 10)
  • Created a new ordered dithering algoritm with much better quality than the old one, while still being just as fast. - It also affects the compressibility of the screenshots and videos less.
  • Improved the Cartoon shader. It should have better quality and be slightly faster now.
  • New Splitscreen mode : Curvy.
  • Wrote a new DX10 shader technique that will correctly bypass SMAA code when SMAA is disabled
  • Wrote a new DX10 vertex shader that can generate texture coordinates without relying on the DXGI proxy to send it a position.
  • Extra gamma corrections under DX10 is now only done when necessary, that is when both SMAA and another effect is enabled at the same time.
  • Clamped output of Monochrome to ensure it never outputs shades that are out of range, even if the user used bad conversion values.
  • Reworked some code to make it easier for myself to use GPU ShaderAnalyzer on the SweetFX shaders.
  • Fixed problems with presets for older versions. SweetFX 1.5 should now be compatible with presets from all previous versions ( 1.0 to 1.5 )
  • Included a log.log with the installation to hopefully prevent some of the issues with create file permissions on Windows Vista and up.
  • This log also contains information to resolve the problem that arises if the injector can't write to this log.
  • Improved performance of the Border shader
  • Improved performance of Lift Gamma Gain
  • Improved performance of the random dithering algoritm
  • Improved performance of Curves formula 4 and 8
  • Improved performance of LumaSharpen
  • Improved performance of SMAA
  • Improved performance of DPX
  • Improved performance of Vignette

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