Ecco la tracklist di Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy: Curtain Call

Ecco la tracklist di Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call

Il mese prossimo uscirà in Giappone Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy: Curtain Call, seguito del riuscito gioco musicale Square Enix a tema Final Fantasy. Il colosso giapponese ha rilasciato una lista, ancora non completa, delle tracce con cui potremo giocare nel titolo, che contano al momento ben 57 brani tratti dai primi sette capitoli della saga:

Final Fantasy

  • Battle Scene (BMS)
  • Mini-Boss Battle (BMS)
  • Last Battle (BMS)
  • Main Theme (FMS)
  • Cornelia Castle (FMS)
  • Opening Theme (FMS)
  • Matoya’s Cave (FMS)
  • Gurgu Volcano (FMS)
  • Airship (FMS)
  • Ocean Floor Temple (FMS)

Final Fantasy 2

  • Battle Scene 1 (BMS)
  • Rebel Army Theme (BMS)
  • Battle Scene 2 (BMS)
  • Main Theme (FMS)
  • Town (FMS)
  • Dungeon (FMS)
  • Magician’s Tower (FMS)
  • Finale (FMS)

Final Fantasy 3

  • Battle 1 (BMS)
  • Battle 2 (BMS)
  • The Final Battle (BMS)
  • The Cave Where the Crystal Lies (FMS)
  • Eternal Wind (FMS)
  • The Boundless Ocean (FMS)
  • The Maiden of Water Elia (FMS)
  • Dorga and Unne’s Mansion (FMS)
  • Crystal Tower (FMS)

Final Fantasy 4

  • Battle 1 (BMS)
  • Battle 2 (BMS)
  • Golbez, Clad in Darkness (BMS)
  • The Final Battle (BMS)
  • The Red Wings (FMS)
  • Theme of Love (FMS)
  • Main Theme of Final Fantasy IV (FMS)
  • Troian Beauty (FMS)
  • Tower of Zot (FMS)
  • Airship (FMS)
  • Within the Giant (FMS)

Final Fantasy 5

  • Main Theme of Final Fantasy V (BMS)
  • Battle 1 (BMS)
  • Clash on the Big Bridge (BMS)
  • The Decisive Battle (BMS)
  • The Final Battle (BMS)
  • Four Hearts (FMS)
  • Harvest (FMS)
  • Home Sweet Home (FMS)
  • Mambo de Chocobo (FMS)
  • Airship (FMS)
  • A New World (FMS)
  • In Search of Light (FMS)

Final Fantasy 6

  • Battle (BMS)
  • The Decisive Battle (BMS)
  • Battle to the Death (BMS)
  • Dancing Mad (BMS)
  • Terra’s Theme (FMS)
  • Edgar and Sabin’s Theme (FMS)
  • Celes’s Theme (FMS)
  • The Airship Blackjack (FMS)
  • Searching for Friends (FMS)
  • Kefka’s Tower (FMS)

Final Fantasy 7

  • Let the Battles Begin (BMS)
  • Fight On! (BMS)
  • J-E-N-O-V-A (BMS)
  • One Winged Angel (BMS)
  • Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII (FMS)
  • Golden Saucer (FMS)
  • Cosmo Canyon (FMS)
  • The Highwind Takes to the Skies (FMS)
  • Judgment Day (FMS)
Purtroppo manca ancora una data europea per il gioco, ma considerata che il predecessore é arrivato, sarebbe strano se il titolo 3DS rimanesse confinato al Giappone. Che ne dite?