Xbox Fitness mette in campo Shawn T

Xbox Fitness mette in campo Shawn T

Se pensate di aver spazzolato troppi dolci durante le festività e avete l’intenzione di iniziare a praticare un po’ di fitness con l’anno nuovo, non vi preoccupate, non siete gli unici. Ritornare in forma é uno dei primi buoni propositi per il nuovo anno ma é anche una delle promesse più difficili da mantenere. Per aiutarvi, Microsoft ha coinvolto alcuni dei più famosi trainer presenti su Xbox Fitness per ottenere da loro i migliori consigli per raggiungere i propri obiettivi di fitness. Queste indicazioni saranno man mano condivise nel giro di un paio di mesi, per mantenervi sempre motivati e al passo.

Con l’inizio del nuovo anno, il primo a dare il suo contributo é stato il celebre trainer Shaun T, creatore del famosissimo allenamento INSANITY®, che ha già condiviso i suoi utili consigli al fine di trasformare i vostri buoni propositi in realtà.

Per maggiori informazioni su Xbox Fitness:

Ecco le parole di Shawn T.:


  • If you have a bad day (maybe you missed a workout or ate poorly), just remember it’s just a bad day. Don’t make it a bad week.
  • Schedule your workout time like you would any other appointment; you’re more likely to stick with it.
  • Leave your sneakers and workout clothing out so you’re ready to go first thing in the morning or as soon as you get home.
  • Feeling hungry or like noshing? Try sipping something that has no calories! I recommend a large water with lemon, iced coffee or iced tea.
  • Add healthy fats to your meal to help you feel satisfied – avocado is my personal favorite!
INSANITY® is one of the many workouts included in the extensive Xbox Fitness library of the world’s most popular fitness brands, including Jillian Michaels, Tracy Anderson, Beachbody (P90X® and INSANITY®), Anchor Bay (a Starz company) and Mossa. Xbox Fitness personalizes your workout with high-tech features only possible through the magic of Kinect for Xbox One. It is so advanced, it not only reads the distribution of your weight and the explosiveness of your movements, but it also provides an analysis of the areas of the body you are working and tracks your pulse, touch free. Xbox Fitness is free with your Xbox Live Gold membership until January 2015, only on Xbox One. As Shaun T says, “It’s not where you started – it’s where you’re going.” So, get going to the Xbox Fitness hub and take on a workout with Shaun T. We’ll be back soon with more great tips from our Xbox Fitness trainers to help you achieve your fitness goals in 2014.